Andrew Lane directed this 1986 action-adventure film that blends comedy and classic adventure tropes. The story follows the titular character, Jake Speed, a pulp fiction hero brought to life, who embarks on a mission to rescue a young woman kidnapped by white slavers in Africa. Lane, who co-wrote the screenplay with Wayne Crawford, makes his directorial debut with this film, showcasing a flair for merging light-hearted adventure with dark undertones.The cast features Wayne Crawford, who not only co-wrote the film but also stars as Jake Speed. Crawford delivers a charming performance, embodying the larger-than-life qualities of the character with a mix of bravado and humor. Alongside him is Karen Kopins, who plays the role of the kidnapped girl’s sister. She seeks Jake Speed’s help, adding a sense of urgency and personal investment in the rescue mission. The antagonist, Sid, is portrayed by John Hurt, a seasoned actor known for his ability to bring depth and intensity even to villainous roles.While the film didn’t garner major awards, it has maintained a cult following for its quirky take on the action-adventure genre. The blend of real-world peril with the fantastical notion of a fiction hero stepping off the page into reality offers a unique cinematic experience. Andrew Lane’s direction, combined with Crawford’s engaging performance and Hurt’s villainous gravitas, makes this film a notable entry in the mid-1980s adventure genre landscape.