Directed by Kim Bass, this 2010 action thriller is set in the precarious world of drug smuggling. The story follows a group of young, speed-addicted pilots who earn a living by transporting meth across the Mexican border using high-tech, light-speed planes. The film captures their thrilling, high-stakes lifestyle while injecting elements of friendship and betrayal, making for an action-packed narrative.The cast includes Andrew Keegan, Brandon Quinn, and Nick Carter, the latter of whom is famously known as a member of the Backstreet Boys. These actors bring a diverse blend of backgrounds and experiences to the film, leading to a dynamic on-screen chemistry that enhances the high-energy atmosphere of the movie. Veteran actors Tom Arnold and Robert Patrick also make significant appearances, adding gravitas and depth to the supporting roles.Director Kim Bass, known for his work in both television and film, brings a high-octane visual style to the project. Bass has a background in creating action-driven content, which is evident in the fast-paced, adrenaline-inducing sequences throughout the film. Although it didn’t receive major awards, the movie stands out for its unique premise centered on aviation and drug smuggling, as well as its engaging action scenes.