Directed by Wai Keung Lau, this 1999 film is known for its high-octane storyline revolving around illegal street racing. Lau, also known as Andrew Lau, gained prominence in the Hong Kong film industry by crafting visually striking and fast-paced action sequences. His reputation was solidified with the success of films like "Infernal Affairs," which he co-directed with Alan Mak; this film too showcases Lau’s flair for adrenaline-pumping narratives set against an urban backdrop.The cast includes Ekin Cheng, who plays the protagonist, and Cecilia Cheung, who contributes significantly to the film’s emotional depth. Ekin Cheng, a well-known actor and singer in Hong Kong, brought his charisma and intensity to the role, making the film resonate with audiences. He was known for his performances in other action-packed dramas and films that required a blend of physical prowess and strong presence.While the film might not have garnered major international awards, it succeeded in capturing the essence of street racing culture in Hong Kong, complete with the thrill and danger that accompany it. The plot focuses on the protagonist’s journey from a troubled past to redemption through speed, loyalty, and rivalry. This engaging storyline, combined with Lau’s directorial prowess and the strong performances from the cast, makes the film a noteworthy entry in the genre of street racing dramas.