This Brazilian comedy film was directed by Jayme Monjardim and João Daniel Tikhomiroff and features the beloved character Didi, portrayed by Renato Aragão. The plot centers around Didi, a mischievous and kind-hearted character, who teams up with a young girl and a group of angels to protect a sacred secret. The movie promises a mixture of humor and heartwarming moments, consistent with the character’s rich history in Brazilian television and cinema.Jayme Monjardim is known for his work in Brazilian television and cinema, with an extensive career that includes directing popular telenovelas and films. His involvement often ensures a high production value and emotional depth in the projects he undertakes. João Daniel Tikhomiroff, on the other hand, has a strong background in both commercial and artistic films, making him a versatile director capable of balancing comedic and poignant elements.The cast includes Renato Aragão, a staple in Brazilian comedy and entertainment, who has been endearing audiences for decades with his portrayal of Didi. Other notable cast members include Livian Aragão, who is Renato’s real-life daughter, adding a familial depth to their on-screen relationship. The collaboration of these talents, alongside a well-loved character, makes the film a memorable entry in Brazilian cinematic comedy.