Directed by Kelly Reichardt in 2010, this film is a western drama that explores the challenging journey of three families traveling through the Oregon High Desert in 1845. The plot revolves around their guide, Stephen Meek, who leads them on an unproven shortcut, causing them to become lost and face a series of hardships, including food and water shortages. As tensions rise, they capture a Native American they believe may help them find their way, creating a complex dynamic of trust and survival.Kelly Reichardt is known for her minimalist storytelling and intricate character studies, which are evident in this film as well. She has a knack for creating atmospheric and immersive environments that allow for deep exploration of themes such as trust, leadership, and the human condition. Prior to this film, Reichardt had directed notable indie features like "Old Joy" and "Wendy and Lucy," which garnered critical acclaim.The cast includes Michelle Williams, who plays Emily Tetherow, one of the women in the traveling party. Williams’ performance received widespread praise for its strength and subtlety. Bruce Greenwood portrays Stephen Meek, delivering a compelling performance that captures the charismatic yet unreliable nature of his character. The ensemble cast also includes Will Patton, Zoe Kazan, and Paul Dano, all of whom contribute to the film’s intense and poignant atmosphere. Though it did not receive major awards, the film was well-received by critics and cemented Reichardt’s reputation as a significant voice in independent cinema.