Directed by Sam Liu, this animated film explores an intriguing storyline in the DC Universe where Harley Quinn and Batman unite to thwart a global threat. Known for his extensive work in the animated superhero genre, director Sam Liu has contributed to various acclaimed projects, including "Batman: The Killing Joke" and "Justice League: Gods and Monsters." His expertise in the field brings a nuanced and compelling vision to the animation, ensuring that both fans of the genre and newcomers find something to appreciate.The movie features an impressive voice cast that includes Kevin Conroy reprising his iconic role as Batman. Kevin Conroy’s portrayal of Batman in animated series and films has been highly celebrated, lending authenticity and gravitas to the character. Joining him is Melissa Rauch, known for her role in "The Big Bang Theory," who lends her voice to Harley Quinn, bringing a fresh and energetic interpretation to the beloved character. Loren Lester voices Nightwing, adding another layer of excitement given his history of playing the role in previous animated series.The plot revolves around Batman and Nightwing seeking out Harley Quinn to stop Poison Ivy and the Floronic Man from initiating an environmental catastrophe. The film’s dynamic narrative blends humor, action, and heartfelt moments, providing a balanced and engaging experience. Its unique pairing of Batman with Harley Quinn creates unexpected yet delightful interactions that explore new facets of both characters. With Liu’s direction and the strong voice performances, the film remains a notable entry in the DC animated universe.