Directed by Curt Geda, this 2000 animated feature is a significant entry in the DC Animated Universe (DCAU). Known for his extensive work in animated television, Geda has directed episodes in series such as "Batman: The Animated Series" and "Superman: The Animated Series." His firm grasp on the nuances of comic book storytelling brings a vibrant and faithful adaptation to this film, ensuring that it resonates well with both long-time fans and newcomers.The film features an impressive voice cast, including Kevin Conroy reprising his iconic role as Bruce Wayne/Batman. Will Friedle takes on the role of the young Batman, Terry McGinnis, offering a fresh yet compelling dynamic to the character. Crucially, Mark Hamill returns as the Joker, bringing his quintessentially menacing yet charismatic performance to the villain. This role, in particular, is often cited as one of Hamill’s best performances, both celebrated by critics and adored by fans.The plot centers around the return of the Joker, who was thought to be long gone, and his efforts to wreak havoc in Gotham City once again. Terry McGinnis, the current Batman under the mentorship of an aging Bruce Wayne, must uncover the mystery behind the Joker’s return and stop his nefarious plans. The narrative is lauded for its dark tone, complex character development, and for seamlessly weaving elements of the Batman mythos, providing both an emotional journey and thrilling action sequences.