Directed by Sam Liu, the 2018 film is an animated adaptation of the graphic novel by Brian Augustyn and Mike Mignola. The story is set in an alternate Victorian Age Gotham City where Batman is pitted against Jack the Ripper. This unique take on the Dark Knight blends the classic mythos with a historical twist, creating a rich, atmospheric setting that differs starkly from more familiar Gotham depictions.The voice cast features Bruce Greenwood as Batman/Bruce Wayne, giving a nuanced performance that captures the character’s determination and intelligence. Jennifer Carpenter voices Selina Kyle, providing a strong counterpart to Batman with her blend of strength and mystery. The supporting cast includes Scott Patterson as James Gordon and Anthony Head as Alfred Pennyworth, both delivering solid performances that help build the film’s immersive environment.Sam Liu, the director, is renowned for his work on other DC animated films such as "Justice League: Gods and Monsters" and "Batman: The Killing Joke." His experience in the genre lends a steady hand to this production, ensuring both fans of the graphic novel and the broader Batman universe are satisfied. While the film didn’t receive major awards, it was well-received for its distinct style, gripping narrative, and faithful adaptation of the source material.