Directed by Justin Copeland, this animated film is an adaptation of the iconic comic book storyline by Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee. It follows Batman as he faces a mysterious new villain known as Hush, who seems to know all of Batman’s secrets. The plot thickens when several of Batman’s classic rogues, including The Joker, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman, are manipulated by Hush to take down the Dark Knight. As Batman attempts to unravel the mystery of Hush, he also navigates a complicated relationship with Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman.Justin Copeland, known for his work in animation, particularly within the DC Universe, has directed several other superhero films and TV series. His direction in this film maintains the dark, moody atmosphere typical of Gotham City while keeping the animation style faithful to the comics. Copeland’s ability to balance intense action sequences with poignant character moments shines through, making it a standout among recent DC animated offerings.The voice cast features Jason O’Mara as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Jennifer Morrison as Catwoman/Selina Kyle, and Jerry O’Connell as Superman/Clark Kent. Other notable actors include Stuart Allan as Damian Wayne, Maury Sterling as Thomas Elliot, and Geoffrey Arend as The Riddler. The film garnered praise for its voice acting and faithful adaptation of the source material, particularly in how it handled the complex relationships and intricate plot twists that fans of the original comic would expect.