Directed by Junpei Mizusaki, the film is a unique Japanese animated take on the iconic Batman franchise. The story involves Batman and various characters from Gotham City being transported back in time to feudal Japan, where Batman must adapt to the era’s culture and technology to combat the Joker and other villains who have assumed positions of power in this historical setting. The visual style is striking and distinct, merging traditional Japanese aesthetics with the dark, stylized elements typical of Batman lore.Junpei Mizusaki, known for his work as a producer on "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure" and for creating animation sequences for video games, brought a fresh and dynamic perspective to the Batman universe with this film. His direction ensures a seamless blend of action and the cultural richness of feudal Japan, providing a unique viewing experience that stands out from other Batman adaptations. The animation was produced by Kamikaze Douga, a studio recognized for its innovative and highly polished work in the field of animation.The film’s cast includes notable voice talents, with Koichi Yamadera voicing Batman in the Japanese version and Roger Craig Smith taking on the role in the English dub. Other key cast members include Wataru Takagi as the Joker in the Japanese version and Tony Hale for the English dub. The film has been praised for its inventive approach to the Batman mythos and its beautiful, fluid animation, blending the superhero genre with steampunk elements and traditional samurai stories.