Directed by Jay Oliva and released in 2015, **Batman vs. Robin** is an animated superhero film that belongs to the DC Universe Animated Original Movies series. Serving as a sequel to the 2014 film **Son of Batman**, the plot focuses on the complicated relationship between Batman and his son, Damian Wayne, who currently assumes the mantle of Robin. The storyline intricately weaves elements from the "Batman: The Court of Owls" story arc from DC Comics.Jay Oliva, the director, is well known for his extensive work in the field of animation, particularly in projects related to DC Comics. Oliva has an impressive resume, having directed several other notable titles in the DC animated universe, such as **Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox** and **Batman: The Dark Knight Returns**. His expertise in bringing complex comic book stories to life in animated form has earned him widespread recognition and respect in the industry.The voice cast of the film includes Jason O’Mara as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Stuart Allan as Damian Wayne/Robin, and Jeremy Sisto as Talon, one of the antagonists. Notable supporting roles include David McCallum as Alfred Pennyworth, and "Weird Al" Yankovic as the Dollmaker. The film was generally well-received by fans and critics alike for its compelling story and impressive animation. The development of Damian Wayne’s character and the deeper exploration of his relationship with Batman are some of the highlighted aspects that captured the audience’s interest.