Roshfaizal Ariffin and Akmal Aziz Asmawi co-direct a vibrant and engaging animated adventure, bringing beloved characters from the "Didi & Friends" series to the big screen. The movie continues the popular children’s show’s tradition of entertaining and educating young audiences through catchy songs, colorful animations, and positive messages. Originating as a Malaysian project, the series has seen immense popularity and has now expanded into an exciting cinematic experience.In this film, the lovable trio Didi, Nana, and Jojo embark on a new adventure that takes them beyond their familiar surroundings. The plot follows their journey filled with discovery, friendship, and valuable life lessons aimed at preschoolers. The musical aspect plays a significant role, with numerous original songs designed to be both entertaining and educational, reinforcing themes such as teamwork, problem-solving, and empathy.The voice cast remains consistent with the series, ensuring continuity and familiarity for the young audience. While the film primarily targets children, the vibrant animation and engaging storylines ensure that it can be enjoyed by the whole family. This movie continues the creators’ vision of combining fun with learning, making it a must-watch for fans of the series and new viewers alike.