Directed by Sinan Ismail, Mohammad Zainul Ariffin A Wahab, and Sheikh Fadhil Sheikh Ishak, the concert film from 2018 showcases the beloved Malaysian children’s animated series "Didi & Friends." "Didi & Friends" has captivated young audiences with its vibrant characters and educational themes, making this live concert a significant event for its fans. The concert features live-action performances of the series’ most popular songs, integrating animation with on-stage actors to create a dynamic and engaging experience for children.The cast primarily includes the characters from the animated series, Didi the Chicken, Nana the Shetland Pony, and Jojo the Turtle, brought to life through a blend of live performers and interactive visual elements. The creators behind the show have paid close attention to maintaining the educational integrity and entertainment value of the original series while transitioning to a concert format. They focus on themes of friendship, teamwork, and moral values, intertwined with catchy tunes and interactive moments that encourage audience participation.Sinan Ismail, one of the directors, is known for his contributions to children’s entertainment in Malaysia, particularly in developing and producing animated content that serves both educational and entertainment purposes. The other directors, Mohammad Zainul Ariffin A Wahab and Sheikh Fadhil Sheikh Ishak, also have backgrounds in multimedia and animation, ensuring that the concert stays true to the essence of "Didi & Friends." Their collaborative effort in this concert underscores the importance of quality children’s programming and its potential to create lasting, positive impacts on young viewers.