This Brazilian children’s comedy film from 2006 is directed by Marcus Figueiredo and features renowned comedian Renato Aragão in the lead role. The plot centers around the misadventures of Didi, who takes on the guise of a knight in a fantastical medieval setting, and his effort to protect Princess Lili, played by actress Livian Aragão, who is incidentally Renato Aragão’s real-life daughter. The film’s storyline blends humor, adventure, and a touch of fairy tale magic, aiming to capture the imagination of a young audience while maintaining a wholesome family-friendly appeal.Marcus Figueiredo, the director, has a background in directing Brazilian television shows and movies, often collaborating with Renato Aragão, who is a cultural icon in Brazilian entertainment. Aragão has had a prolific career in comedy, most famous for being part of the comedy group "Os Trapalhões." His work in Brazilian television and film has made him a beloved figure, particularly known for his slapstick humor and heartwarming roles that have entertained generations.The cast also includes other notable Brazilian actors, contributing to the film’s engaging and entertaining narrative. While the movie may not have garnered significant international attention or mainstream awards, it holds a cherished place in Brazilian pop culture. The collaborative efforts of the director and cast, particularly the father-daughter duo of Renato and Livian Aragão, bring a unique charm to the film, making it a memorable piece within the context of Brazilian children’s cinema.