Released in 2003, this Brazilian comedy was co-directed by Paulo Aragão and Alexandre Boury. The film falls within the popular genre of humor that is particularly well-received in Brazil, often featuring renowned comedians and engaging, light-hearted plots. Both Paulo Aragão and Alexandre Boury have directed several other successful Brazilian films and TV shows, contributing to their esteemed positions within the industry.The cast is led by Renato Aragão, a beloved Brazilian comedian known for his work in television and film, particularly within the "Trapalhões" series. Renato Aragão portrays the titular character, Didi, who is an endearing and well-meaning cupid. The cast features other notable Brazilian actors and comedians who add to the charm and comedic appeal of the film.The plot centers around Didi, a clumsy but well-intentioned cupid, who is sent to the human world to carry out a special mission involving love and matchmaking. His comedic misadventures and mishaps form the crux of the story, filled with humor, heart, and whimsical scenarios. The film is celebrated for its family-friendly entertainment and continues to be a beloved entry in Brazilian cinema.