The film is directed by the duo Alexandre Boury and Reynaldo Boury. Alexandre Boury is known in the Brazilian film industry for his work in children’s television and film, often engaging younger audiences with humorous and heartwarming storytelling. Reynaldo Boury, a veteran in Brazilian television, has an extensive resume as a director, being involved in numerous TV series and movies throughout his career.The cast includes Renato Aragão, a beloved comedian in Brazil, who plays the protagonist Didi. Renato Aragão, famously known for his role in the comedy group Os Trapalhões, brings his signature comedic style to the film, making it a hit among family audiences. Alongside him are other prominent Brazilian actors such as Livian Aragão and Marcelo Augusto, who contribute to the film’s charm and magnetic appeal.The plot revolves around the character Didi, who wishes to become a child again. This narrative is filled with humorous and fantastical elements that appeal to both children and adults alike. The film touches on themes of innocence, imagination, and the joy of childhood, while delivering a series of comical and adventurous moments as Didi navigates the world from a child’s perspective once more.