Directed by Peter Yates, this 1976 comedy-drama unfolds against the backdrop of a private ambulance company in Los Angeles. Peter Yates, known for his diverse filmography including the critically acclaimed "Bullitt" and later "Breaking Away," brought his knack for character-driven stories and compelling drama to this film as well. The film presents a comical yet gritty look into the lives of ambulance drivers who are more concerned with beating their competitors than with the welfare of their patients.The cast features a star-studded lineup, including Bill Cosby, Raquel Welch, and Harvey Keitel. Bill Cosby plays the experienced and practical driver, "Mother" Tucker, offering a performance that balances humor with a touch of realism. Raquel Welch, in one of her notable performances outside her bombshell image, stars as Jennifer, nicknamed "Jugs," who is trying to prove herself in a male-dominated world. Harvey Keitel, well-known for his intense roles, here plays the naive and newly hired driver, Tony "Speed" Malatesta. The dynamic between these three characters fuels much of the film’s humor and drama.Though not heavily decorated with awards, the film is remembered for its engaging ensemble cast and its unique take on the ambulance-driving profession, offering a mix of humor and social commentary that reflected the turbulence of the 1970s. Yates’ direction ensures that while the film leans heavily on its comedic elements, it doesn’t shy away from the more serious and sometimes darker aspects of the profession it portrays. This balance makes it a distinctive entry in the genre of workplace comedies.