Jeffrey Scott Collins directed this 2018 indie comedy, which centers on the trials and tribulations of Greg, a man dealing with the fallout of a breakup. Struggling with depression and mounting bills, Greg’s attempts at self-improvement lead him to unlikely friendships and awkward situations. The film’s narrative is built on a mixture of humor and heartfelt moments, aiming to explore themes of personal growth and resilience in the face of emotional setbacks.The cast is headlined by Graham Sibley, who delivers a nuanced performance as Greg. Sibley, known for his roles in various independent films and television shows, brings emotional depth and comedic timing to the central character. The supporting cast includes actors such as Marguerite Insolia, who plays Greg’s ex-girlfriend and makes a significant impact through her limited screen time, offering insights into Greg’s past and emotional state.Jeffrey Scott Collins, the director, is relatively new in the filmmaking scene but has shown promise with his efforts in this film. Collins’ approach to storytelling is deeply personal and character-driven. His direction allows for a balance between comedy and drama, creating a relatable and engaging story. Through this project, Collins has garnered attention for his ability to craft authentic characters and situations that resonate with audiences, positioning him as a filmmaker to watch in the indie circuit.