Directed by Hadrah Daeng Ratu and Adis Kayl Yurahmah, this 2016 film centers on the compelling narrative of a young Indonesian woman’s journey of self-discovery and empowerment. The movie delves deep into the challenges and triumphs faced by the protagonist, offering a nuanced exploration of contemporary life in Indonesia. The storyline is engaging, filled with both heartfelt moments and comedic elements that provide a well-rounded viewing experience.Hadrah Daeng Ratu has earned a reputation for her adept storytelling skills and her ability to bring out the best in her actors. She has previously directed a variety of films and TV series, each contributing to her stronghold in the Indonesian film industry. Adis Kayl Yurahmah, co-director of the film, is known for his unique approach to cinematography and his ability to capture the essence of various cultural contexts, thus enhancing the visual narrative of this film. Their collaboration brings a dynamic and multifaceted directorial perspective to the project.The cast includes celebrated actors whose performances bring depth to the characters they portray. While the film may not have garnered mainstream international awards, it has been applauded in regional circuits for its authentic portrayal of character arcs and societal issues. The film is a testament to the burgeoning talent within the Indonesian film industry, highlighting both the directorial prowess and the acting virtuosity that make this a noteworthy production.