Directed by Milos Avramovic, this 2021 film is a follow-up to the popular Serbian crime thriller "South Wind." Avramovic, known for his adept storytelling and dynamic direction, continues his exploration of the criminal underworld in the Balkans with this sequel. His ability to capture the grit and intensity of the setting has garnered him significant recognition in the Serbian film industry.The cast features Miloš Biković reprising his role as Petar Maraš, a young gangster navigating the treacheries of a life embroiled in crime. Biković’s performance has been widely lauded for its authenticity and depth, bringing a complex character to life on the screen. Supporting cast members such as Miodrag Radonjić, who plays Maraš’ close ally Baća, and Jovana Stojiljković as Sofija, add significant value to the narrative with their robust performances.The plot centers on Maraš as he attempts to further establish himself within the criminal hierarchy while facing new challenges and threats from rival factions. The film delves deep into themes of loyalty, power struggles, and revenge, maintaining a high-octane pace with intense action sequences. The sequel has been praised for balancing character development with thrilling plotlines, making it a noteworthy addition to the genre and a compelling continuation of the story.