"2001: A Space Odyssey - A Look Behind the Future" is a promotional featurette released in 1966, exploring the intricate production process behind the landmark science fiction film "2001: A Space Odyssey," directed by Stanley Kubrick. This documentary provides an in-depth look at the techniques and visionary elements that Kubrick and his team employed to create the groundbreaking visual and thematic experience of the feature film.This featurette includes insights from key members of the film’s production crew, such as special effects supervisor Douglas Trumbull and the film’s cinematographer Geoffrey Unsworth. It delves into the intricate special effects work, including the iconic space scenes and the innovative use of practical effects and models that Kubrick insisted on for authenticity. It also touches upon the collaborative effort with notable science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke, who co-wrote the screenplay with Kubrick.While it lacks a credited director, this behind-the-scenes look serves as a valuable resource for understanding the magnitude of the project Stanley Kubrick was undertaking. It offers a glimpse into the meticulous craftsmanship and forward-thinking approach that defined "2001: A Space Odyssey," a film that has since become a seminal work in the annals of science fiction cinema.