Directed by Joe Ahearne, the project is a science fiction drama documentary that explores a manned voyage through the solar system. Ahearne, known for his work in shows such as "Doctor Who" and "Ultraviolet," brings his sci-fi expertise to this ambitious endeavor, blending scientific authenticity with dramatic storytelling. This film follows a crew of astronauts on a six-year mission to visit the planets of our solar system, including scenes shot with realistic, state-of-the-art CGI to represent the vast and varied environments they encounter.The cast features several notable actors portraying the astronauts and mission control personnel, bringing a sense of gravity and believability to their roles. Mark Dexter leads as Captain Tom Kirby, while Sian Brooke, Joanne McQuinn, Rad Lazar, and Martin McDougall bring additional depth to the ensemble, each character reflecting different facets of human resilience and scientific ambition. Their performances are crucial in grounding the film’s more spectacular elements in human emotion and experience.This film received critical acclaim for its innovative approach to blending educational content with engaging narrative elements. The detailed and scientifically accurate depictions of space travel, including the physiological and psychological challenges faced by astronauts, contribute to its educational value. Beyond its technical and narrative achievements, the project also examines broader themes such as the human drive for exploration, the potential for space travel, and the implications for future generations.