Directed by Merab Kokochashvili, this film from 1967 is a significant piece of Georgian cinema. Merab Kokochashvili, a prominent Georgian filmmaker, is known for his distinct narrative style and exploration of social and cultural themes within his works. His directorial finesse is evident in this film, which is often considered a classic in Georgian film history.The film features a cast that includes some notable Georgian actors, whose performances contribute significantly to the film’s depth and resonance. Although specific casting details might be sparse, Georgian films of this era typically showcased a mix of emerging talent and established actors, contributing to the rich tapestry of storytelling that characterizes the region’s cinematic output.The narrative revolves around life in Georgia, focusing on aspects of everyday existence and human relationships within the context of its cultural milieu. The film’s cinematography, direction, and acting have earned it critical acclaim, making it an essential study for those interested in Soviet-era Georgian films and the country’s cinematic evolution.