The film is a French drama directed by Gaël Morel, and it was released in 1996. This poignant narrative revolves around four young individuals navigating their lives and relationships while confronting issues of identity and sexuality. The film captures the essence of youthful turbulence, coming-of-age, and the complexities of human connections. It explores themes such as love, friendship, and societal expectations, offering a raw and realistic portrayal of contemporary youth.Gaël Morel is a notable French filmmaker and actor, recognized for his works that often highlight personal stories and social issues. Morel himself made a significant mark with his acting debut in André Téchiné’s "Wild Reeds" (1994), after which he transitioned into directing. "Full Speed" is an important piece in Morel’s directorial portfolio as it reflects his cinematic style, characterized by his focus on character development and emotional depth. Morel’s expertise in capturing realistic performances and crafting engaging stories is a hallmark of his career.The cast includes Stéphane Rideau, who plays Quentin, a central character struggling with his own emotions and circumstances. Pascal Cervo, Élodie Bouchez, and Meziane Bardadi also deliver compelling performances, contributing to the film’s impact. Stéphane Rideau’s role in this film further cemented his status as a talented actor capable of taking on complex and challenging characters. The cast’s ability to bring authenticity and sensitivity to their roles adds considerable depth to the film, making it a memorable entry in 1990s French cinema.