Directed by Evan Oppenheimer, "The Speed of Thought" is a 2011 science fiction thriller that explores the intriguing concept of mind-reading and its impact on human relationships and security. The film centers on Joshua Lazarus, a telepath trained since childhood to work for a covert government agency. As Joshua begins to uncover hidden truths about his abilities and the organization he serves, he wrestles with moral dilemmas and identity crises, all while trying to live a "normal" life.Evan Oppenheimer, the director, is known for helming other indie projects that often play with unique concepts and narratives. With "The Speed of Thought," Oppenheimer delves into a genre that combines psychological depth with sci-fi elements. His direction weaves a complex narrative that challenges the viewer’s perception of reality and morality, and the film elevates ethical questions about surveillance, privacy, and the responsibilities that come with extraordinary powers.The cast includes Nick Stahl as Joshua Lazarus, who delivers a compelling performance marked by subtlety and intensity. Stahl is joined by Taryn Manning, who plays his love interest, and Wallace Shawn in a supporting role. The film’s storytelling is further buoyed by strong performances and a suspenseful, layered script. Although "The Speed of Thought" didn’t garner significant awards, it has attracted a niche audience appreciative of thoughtful science fiction narratives that raise profound questions about human nature and the potential pitfalls of mental telepathy.