"2001 A Space Odyssey, Epilogue. Featuring Frank Poole - 2019" is an intriguing short film directed by Steven Begg. While not as widely recognized as the original 1968 film by Stanley Kubrick, this project provides an extension of the legendary narrative established in "2001: A Space Odyssey." Steven Begg is known for his extensive work in visual effects and has been involved in significant projects like "Skyfall" and "Batman Begins." His involvement in this short film reflects his deep-seated expertise in creating visually compelling science fiction experiences.The short features the character Frank Poole, played by Mike Caron, who originally appeared in Kubrick’s film. Frank Poole is one of the astronauts on the spacecraft Discovery One, and his character’s fate was left somewhat ambiguous after his confrontation with the rogue AI HAL 9000. This short film provides fans with additional insights into his story, adding a new layer of depth to the well-loved science fiction universe.Although the short film didn’t accumulate major awards, it holds particular interest for die-hard fans of the original "2001: A Space Odyssey." The plot delves into Poole’s experiences and the ramifications of his earlier mission, attempting to bridge the gap between the enigmatic ending of the 1968 film and the expansive lore of Arthur C. Clarke’s original novel. Directed with a clear reverence for the source material, this short film is a must-see for followers of the iconic space saga.