Directed by Jerry Kramer, this short film features Michael Jackson himself. It’s a part of the larger anthology film "Moonwalker," which was released in 1988. The segment emphasizes Michael Jackson’s versatility and creativity, balancing both live-action and innovative claymation techniques. The plot revolves around Jackson being pursued by a band of fans and paparazzi, leading him to don a disguise and escape on a motorcycle.In "Speed Demon," Michael Jackson showcases not only his musical talents but also his dance prowess, engaging in a high-energy chase that segues into a fantastic dance-off with a claymation rabbit figure. This segment stands out for its cutting-edge special effects and surreal narrative, indicative of Jackson’s flair for blending reality with whimsical elements. The song "Speed Demon," which is part of Jackson’s acclaimed "Bad" album, serves as the soundtrack for this adventurous short, adding another layer to its vibrant visual storytelling.Jerry Kramer, who directed this segment, is known for his work on music videos and short films. His collaboration with Michael Jackson highlights his ability to seamlessly blend live-action with animation, creating an ethereal and captivating world. Though his name might not be as widely recognized as some other directors, Kramer’s work on projects like this has earned him respect within the industry. The short film has since become a cult favorite, appreciated for its creativity and unique approach to storytelling.