Directed by Scott Ziehl, this 2008 action thriller focuses on a group of bus passengers who find themselves in a fight for survival against a group of deranged bikers. Ziehl, known for his work on "Four Dogs Playing Poker" and various episodes of television series such as "Dexter" and "Veronica Mars," brings his experience in creating tension and drama to this intense film.The ensemble cast includes Desmond Harrington, best known for his roles in "Dexter" and "Gossip Girl," as well as Lea Thompson, a veteran actress famous for her roles in the "Back to the Future" trilogy and the TV series "Switched at Birth." The diverse group of passengers and their backgrounds add depth to the film, making their struggle against the dangerous bikers even more gripping.The plot centers around a bus that breaks down on an isolated Texas highway, where the passengers are forced to unite and defend themselves against a psychotic biker gang intent on killing them. The film balances relentless action with moments of character development, providing a gripping narrative of survival and camaraderie. While the film didn’t receive mainstream awards, its nail-biting sequences and strong performances have garnered it a cult following among action-thriller enthusiasts.