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Intellectual Property Policy

We respect our community and the intellectual property rights of others, and we expect our users to do the same. This policy explains how we address allegations of intellectual property infringement against the content in our Contributor’s video content, and how copyright owners and Authorized parties can submit valid notices claiming intellectual property infringement. As allegations of intellectual property infringement are made against Contributor’s items, which are uploaded to Popflick, this policy also explains how Contributor’s can respond when their items are affected by a notice.

What are your options if you think your content's being used without your permission?

1. Submit a DMCA takedown notice
If you’re a copyright owner or have the authority to act on behalf of a copyright owner then you may consider sending us a DMCA takedown notice requesting we takedown Contributor content made available on Popflick LLC. Click here to complete a proper DMCA notice then send to [email protected].
2. Submit a General IPR Notice
If you own intellectual property rights (IPR) other than copyright, including trademarks, or have the Authority to act on behalf of the IPR owner, then you may consider sending us a General IPR notice requesting we takedown Contributor content made available on Popflick LLC. Click here to complete a proper IPR notice then send to [email protected].

Information for Contributors that have been sent a DMCA

If you are an Contributor of content that is subject to a DMCA or other IPR notice and you don’t agree with the allegations made in relation to your content on Popflick, then send us a message to [email protected]

How to Contact Popflick LLC

Our designated copyright agent to receive copyright claims is Popflick LLC and can be reached via email. Please address DMCA takedown notices, General IPR notices and communications to Popflick LLC at [email protected]

For further information see DMCA or contact us.